Friday, December 2, 2011

The creation of The Zale Map

How it came about
  As a former street performer on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, I would get asked on a daily basis "Where is the star for Elvis?" or "How many stars are on the Walk Of Fame?" or "Doe's so-and-so have a star?" I knew both locations for Elvis of course (the original at (E-13) and its relocation to (G-1) on The Zale Map) but, I hate to admit it, in many cases, I hadn't a clue.

My Mission

Then an idea that I began as a kid but shelved due to its massive undertaking came back to mind. So I pulled it off the shelf, dusted it off and went to work. I set out with my video camera and filmed from Hollywood and Gower, to Vine, to Sunset, back to Hollywood and downt to La Brea, then back to Vine, up to Yucca, back to Hollywood and finally back to Gower, stopping at each and every star and catching live video as well as a still frame to cross reference for the exact address. This took me several days.

I then sat at my Lap Top with my hand drawn map as well as a true to scale map, and the internet maps and watched the video, freeze framing every star and locating it on my hand drawn map as well as the true to scale map. I must have cross reverenced each star at least 3 to 4 times, accuracy a must. The entire project too me over 2 and a half  months (75 days to be exact) but, finally, here it is.

The Zale Map is the only current and up to date map of all the stars on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. To get your own copy ask your travel agent, tour guide or simply walk into the Grauman's Chinese Theater gift shop or any souvenir gift shop on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and ask for it by name

"The Zale Map"

*NOTE* Click here for latest star recipient update

For the latest star recipient buzz just follow me on Twitter 

On behalf of Hollywood, I would like to say, welcome to our city and may it be your best vacation ever!
Danny Zale
(Former Street Performer as Elvis Presley and Hugh Jackman' Wolverine ) 
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